
Hello, my name is Siobhan. I am a 35 year old mum & teacher from England who makes websites and loves cats.

I have been building websites since the early 2000s, and was on Instagram before it was cool. I miss the old internet and am a nostalgic person by nature.

I currently teach EYFS, but originally trained to teach English in secondary schools. I love reading, but rarely make time for it anymore. Sometimes I dabble in writing, but I doubt I’ll ever share any of it publicly.

I live in a victorian terraced house, which is pretty but a pain, with my husband, son and naughty black and white cat.

Random Facts About Me

  • I dye my hair a lot, currently I’m in my ‘henna phase’
  • My favourite colours are teal and deep blue
  • My Hogwarts house is Slytherin 🐍
  • My guilty pleasure is fantasy teen TV, think Buffy, The Vampire Diaries & Teen Wolf


I began building websites in 2003, when I was 15. My first website was a Xanga blog, I quickly moved onto Livejournal and then my own domains when shared blogging sites became defunct. Throughout the years I have owned many domains, but my favourites were shycircus.org (my first!), crucio.net, never-land.org and lolita.nu

Dusk.nu was gifted to me, and is hosted, by one of my oldest friends: Amanda.